What is a Vertical Apparel Manufacturer?

For many US-based companies, employers and contractors, buying American made products is incredibly important. Not only are clothes made in the US of exceptionally high quality, purchasing American made goods helps to support US businesses and hard-working employees across the nation.

American-based vertical clothing companies take things one step further. Instead of just manufacturing their shirts, jackets, pants and protective wear in the US, they produce all of the materials that go into their products as well. From the very cotton that makes up their shirts to the finished product that’s shipped to customers, every part of the process is controlled by the manufacturer, takes place in the US, and is carried out by American workers.

If you’re looking for ways to support American businesses – and source high-quality workwear – buying from a US vertical clothing company is a great place to start.

From Dirt to Shirt

One of the best-known vertical clothing manufacturers we work with is Bayside. Unlike many other manufacturers, Bayside owns its supply chain from top to bottom. The company produces cotton and other raw materials which it spins into yarn before transforming into high-quality fabric.

Bayside colors the cloth using specially selected dyes and uses this fabric to create a wide range of garments. The company has labelled this comprehensive approach ‘From Dirt to Shirt’ to show just how involved they are in every part of the process.

Products in the all-American Bayside range include sweatshirts, T-shirts and caps. All of these garments are made using American grown materials and are manufactured in the US. This means that, by investing in Bayside clothes, you’re supporting American growers, makers, and entrepreneurs.

Another vertical clothing manufacturer we work with closely is Camber. Like Bayside, Camber has full control over its supply chain and production processes. This helps to maintain a high standard of clothing and supports American workers across the country.

Some of the most popular Camber products we stock include Hi-Vis jackets, sweatshirts and pants.

Textiles Production in the US

US companies are uniquely placed to become vertical clothing manufacturers. Unlike many other countries, the US produces huge amounts of cotton – around 20 million bales a year to be precise. This allows American companies not only to control their supply chain from top to bottom, but to keep it all in one country.

Having full control of the supply chain in this way allows vertical clothing companies to keep standards consistently high. It also allows them to ensure cotton is grown sustainably and garments are made ethically.

The Berry Amendment

Since the early 1990s, the Berry Amendment has prohibited the US Department of Defense (DoD) from buying clothes that are not grown, reprocessed, reused, or produced in the United States. This amendment was made in order to help support American businesses and to ensure that the clothes the DoD purchased were made from high quality materials.

Vertical clothing manufacturers based in the US are perfectly placed to meet these conditions and to supply all types of garments to the DoD. If you’re interested in supporting companies that produce their products in the US, looking for businesses that are Berry Amendment compliant is a great place to start.

Minimising Your Carbon Footprint

Another benefit of choosing a vertical apparel manufacturer is that it can help to lower your carbon footprint. Currently, the fashion industry accounts for around 10% of all greenhouse gas emissions. A large proportion of these emissions come from the transportation process. The mass production of cheap clothes in large factories is also a major contributor to global pollution.

The materials used to make clothes from vertical manufacturers haven’t had to cross international borders or be shipped in from thousands of miles away. This means that the fabric itself has a low carbon footprint, something that reduces the environmental impact of the entire production process. If you’re a business owner looking for a greener, more sustainable source for your work wear, looking for a US-based vertical clothing manufacturer can help you to achieve your environmental goals.  

Find out more about the US-based vertical clothing manufacturers we work with, and explore our selection of American made clothes, by taking a look around the All Seasons Uniforms site today!

About the Author

Nick Warrick is the Sales Manager at All Seasons Uniforms. With over 15 years of experience in the work uniform business, he has worked with hundreds of clients across 20 different industries. Holding bachelor’s degrees in both Business Administration and Information Technology, Nick revamped the company’s online presence, offering its customers a new uniform shopping experience.

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